On Sunday April 19 the Youth Advisory Council began granting again for the first time remotely via zoom video conference. They granted out a total of $11,375, of that $6,000 went to The INDUSTRY to help with their Career Exploration programs known as the Bridge Semester; a break from traditional education in order to assess, and connect the present to the future bridging the space between high school and Life Success.
Last year YAC helped fund The INDUSTRY’s pilot program. That money helped with over 25 individuals find their path to success. Now they are looking to expand and help 100 students this year.

Th Industry focuses on 18-26 year olds transitioning from high school to a career. The Bridge Semester promotes soft skills such as; a strong work ethic, communication, creative problem solving, self-awareness, interpersonal, time management, teamwork, and leadership. The INDUSTRY helps students develop their Life Plan, focused on their career, life vision, and goals and then create a plan to achieve those goals. To achieve this they utilize mentoring/coaching, life skills training, workshops from local leaders, overall personal assessment, on-campus housing and connections to experiential learning in the community

The INDUSTRY’s founder, Josh Sabo, is passionate about helping young adults and is excited to receive these added funds and support, especially from young people. “The Community Foundation, including YAC, has been a power house support to this community,” said Sabo about the grant. “The INDUSTRY is honored to be a nonprofit that they support! We just want to help young people and YAC is giving us the resources to do just that.”
With this new funding The INDUSTRY will host events, teach classes/workshops, mentor/coach as well as offer much more to the young adults of their program.
Learn more about The INDUSTRY at learntheindustry.org.