Arts & Culture
Supporting Arts & Culture continues to be a priority area

Community Funds
Partnerships and collaboration are the most efficient way to maximize our impact

Donor Advised Funds
Donor directed giving to causes donors are passionate about

The education of our youth is truly a worthwhile investment in our future

Health & Wellness
Supporting the health and wellness of our community

Organization Funds
These funds address a wide range of issues, but all have the same common element - partnerships

Religious Related Giving
Religious Related Giving has long been an important component of philanthropy

SC4 Foundation Scholarships
The SC4 Foundation has partnered with the Community Foundation for administration of its charitable funds

Assisting students in obtaining a college or vocational education

Today's senior citizens are a diverse group of individuals and a valuable asset in our community

Sports & Recreation
Supporting organizations that focus on recreational opportunites and athletic development

Providing programs that support and encourage positive youth development