The Youth Advisory Council welcomes two new advisors- Brenden Bell and Gordon Whitney.

Brenden has worked in several fields from youth ministry to video production. The common denominator has been his passion for people and his desire to help see communities grow and develop. This is why he enjoys his current position as Customer Contact Coordinator with Chemical Bank in Port Huron. He spends most of the day helping customers and employees with their needs, as well as working with local organizations to give them the donations, sponsorships and volunteers they are looking for.
Brenden loves this community and loves that his work is helping to give back. It’s this excitement which makes him particularly proud to be a part of advising YAC.

Gordon works at ELEVEN19, a Port Huron company that manages many different companies – a coworking space (The Roost), a website design company, an online learning company, and a business consulting company (to name a few). Gordon handles all of the graphic design and video production for ELEVEN19. Gordon is also very enthusiastic about entrepreneurship and economic growth in our area, and is very excited to be a part of YAC.
Gordon is a loving husband, a proud father of three, and he loves bacon almost as much as he loves family.