By Harold Powell (Phantom Pen Media):
It’s a new year and with that comes the introduction of three new Community Foundation Board members; Sheri Faust, Korissa Wilkins, and Emily Vinckier-Pierce.

“The Board is excited to welcome these three highly talented, community minded and driven women. We look forward to the perspectives and leadership each one will bring to the Community Foundation,” said Dr. Randa Jundi-Samman, Board Chair.
Faust, Wilkins and Vinckier-Pierce join 23 other board members in providing diverse perspectives to help the Community Foundation address the region’s opportunities and challenges in order to improve our quality of life and increase regional vibrancy and prosperity. These new Board members fill vacancies in Board seats left by previous term-limited members. The Foundation seeks out individuals from throughout St. Clair County who have demonstrated community leadership and generosity, who have a connection to the organization through committees or projects, and those who bring a broad range of skill sets, backgrounds, education and experience.
The Foundation welcomes Sheri Faust as a new board member bringing a strong background in natural resources and community involvement. Faust is a resident of Port Huron along with her husband Aaron and their two daughters Kayla and Khloe. Some of her hobbies include wakeboarding and downhill skiing, both exhilarating and fast paced activities which may help give her an edge as a new board member. All jokes aside, Faust’s skills and background from her day job with the Health Department of St. Clair County and her position as Co-Founder and President of Friends of the St. Clair River, will lend to an environmental voice on the board. She is a graduate of Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management. Faust has also served on the Women’s Initiative Steering Committee for the past three years and has six years of experience coordinating efforts for the Friends group along the Blue Water River Walk.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve the Community Foundation in this position by giving back to them in the same respect that they give to support so many. I’m looking forward to building on their 75-year legacy to ensure they have another successful 75 years.” says Faust.
Korissa Wilkins is a welcomed board addition who is a Partner and Associate Broker at Kramer Commercial Realty and resident of Port Huron with her husband Evan. She enjoys activities such as golfing, cooking, and traveling. Wilkins was essentially born and raised in Port Huron, but spent time in Chicago after earning her Bachelors in Business Administration and Marketing from Western Michigan University. She returned in 2010 and has been heavily involved in work within the community ever since. Wilkins serves on the Downtown Development Authority (DDA), McMorran Commission, Economic Development Alliance Board (EDA), is a founding member of the Blue Water Young Professionals (BWYP), and like Faust; is also a member of the Women’s Initiative.
“I am honored to have been selected to serve on the Community Foundation Board. I look forward to contributing to the passion for philanthropy and community development, caring about our community, and being part of causes that make a difference.” says Wilkins.

Last, but definitely not least, the Community Foundation would like to welcome Emily Vinckier-Pierce, owner of Emily Vinckier State Farm Agency. A resident of Emmet, MI with her husband Patrick and brand new baby Sloane, she likes to spend time on the water, running, and with family. Vinckier-Pierce first got to know the Community Foundation through her involvement with the Women’s Initiative and has been a member since 2017. She earned a Bachelors of Science from the University of Michigan. In addition to that she is also an active member of the Port Huron Rotary Club, the Community Foundation’s Grants Committee, YMCA, and Blue Water Young Professionals. Vinckier Pierce is excited about this new chapter in her life, both with her growing family and professionally.
“I’m really excited to be a part of such a historic and well respected organization like the Community Foundation. I look forward to contributing and making our community a place to be proud of!” says Vinckier-Pierce.