For close to two months now, the Community Foundation has shifted all grantmaking to focus on responding to coronavirus and the support that could be provided locally for our most vulnerable populations. But normal grantmaking has begun again for Foundation committees.
Honorable John Tomlinson, Community Foundation Grants Committee Chair is looking forward to resuming the Foundation’s grantmaking. ” Though the pandemic is far from over, our grant making committees are getting back to business as usual (remotely) to support our community. This will be in addition to our COVID-19 Thumbcoast Regional Response Fund continuing to make grants on a weekly basis, as long as there is need,” said Tomlinson.
Though the pandemic is far from over, our grant making committees are getting back to business as usual (remotely) to support our community.
Recently our Youth Advisory Council met to award grants within their priority areas. “Amid the coronavirus pandemic, YAC has continued granting, but in a different fashion than normal,” said YAC President, Andrew Touma.
“We decided that it was ultimately the best decision for our members and our community to switch to digital meetings via apps such as Zoom or GroupMe.” said Touma. “With all of the committee being teenagers, it has been an easier transition than most, given that we all are proficient in the use of new technology. While it is unfortunate that we have not been able to have in-person meetings, we find peace knowing we are doing our part to fight the virus by staying home.”

YAC will meet remotely again this month to review applications for their final grantmaking meeting of the year. Our other grantmaking committees will be taking on the challenge of meeting and reviewing applications remotely as well. This week our Women’s Initiative will meet, and soon our Blue Water Arts Council and then main grants committee.
A focus on supporting our community’s response to COVID-19 will continue as our regular grantmaking ramps back up. The Response Fund has granted more than $57,987.53 to date. Frontline emergency support has been provided to numerous nonprofits serving our most vulnerable community members. Soon a second phase of granting and support will be provided to help our local economy and small businesses as they recover.
View a full list of the Response Fund grants here.
Organizations wishing to submit non-covid related grant applications should use our EZ grant application. All grant applications need to be submitted to [email protected] a minimum of two weeks prior to committee meeting dates. A calendar of committee meeting dates can be found here.