The Community Foundation works with over 60 local nonprofits who have their own charitable fund to save for their future and invest back into their organizations.
“We enjoy working with local nonprofits like Friends of the St. Clair River and Enter Stage Right who have an endowed fund through our community foundation. Their funds provide a stable, professionally managed source of income, and it enhances their credibility with donors while reducing their administrative burden of managing charitable funds,” said Patti Manley, Community Foundation Board Chair.
One of the oldest funds at the Foundation is the Algonac Community Schools Education Enrichment Fund. Opened in 1995, the fund has grown to nearly $400,000 and has granted $150,000 back into the district mainly for teacher grants. Gifts over the years have ranged from $50 to several thousand and by having the funds invested, those gifts have nearly doubled in value to support Algonac Schools.
“Our community foundation has 80 years of experience managing charitable investments guided by financial experts. This relieves nonprofits of the burden of overseeing investment strategies,” Patti added.
Local nonprofits working with the Foundation serve a wide range of needs and opportunities in our community. Reflected below are many of the different categories of nonprofits.
- Arts & Culture
- Environment
- Education
- Health & Wellness
- Youth
- Seniors
- Religious Giving
- Basic Needs
- Historical Preservation
- Sports & Recreation
The Betty Kearns Cancer Fund has worked with the Community Foundation for 5 years now, along with St. Vincent DePaul, the St. Mary of St. Clair Council Fund. Hunter Hospitality House and Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School have celebrated more than 10 years with their endowed funds.
Supporters of the East China School District recently marked a 20 years milestone of their endowed fund. Through the $177,000 in contributions from community members, alumni, and parents, the fund has grown to nearly $300,000, almost doubling in value from its original gifts. Over the years, nearly $90,000 has been returned to the district for classroom grants, AP testing, and special projects.
“Donors also often see endowed funds as a sign of sustainability and financial responsibility. Knowing that a local nonprofit is committed to long-term planning and that gifts will be stewarded responsibly increases donor confidence in supporting a nonprofit,” shared Jackie Hanton, Vice President of the Community Foundation.
That’s the power of an endowed fund for a nonprofit, donor funds are pooled together and invested, each year grants are given back to the nonprofit and over time those funds grow and continue to support the mission of the organization.
The Community Foundation is ready to help local nonprofits establish endowed funds, creating lasting legacies and ensuring that their critical work is supported for generations. To learn more about creating an organizational fund with the Foundation, contact Jackie.
If you’re curious about all 60 nonprofit funds at the Community Foundation, please visit the Organization Fund page on our website. Your favorite local nonprofit may have a fund you want to support. Should you want to explore giving now or giving later options to support a nonprofit fund, please reach out to the Foundation team at 810-984-4761 or directly to our Vice President, Jackie.