Like-minded donors creating a greater impact….
Late 2017, the family of the late Gary Warwick felt that the Wyatt Walker Friendship fund was a perfect fit for gifts they received in memory of Gary. Both Wyatt and Gary were known for their kind hearts, sense of adventure and infectious smiles and their families ever so passionate about Port Huron Schools, in particular the high schools. With the support of the Warwick memorials, the Wyatt Walker Friendship awarded grants totaling $5,150 impacting many students at both high schools and our YMCA!$800 to Port Huron Northern supporting the Building Tomorrow’s Leaders incentive program. This program encourages students to step out of their comfort zone and form relationships with other students that they may have overlooked.
$500 to Port Huron Northern’s LEAD Team to purchase new t-shirts. This group of students are dedicated to creating a positive learning environment for students at Northern. Their mission is to ensure that students are living respectfully, engaged in their learning environments, achieving and performing at their highest potential and dedicated to their futures.
$1,000 to Port Huron Northern’s Renaissance Club to help cover the costs of the Special Needs Prom to be held in the spring.
$1,500 to our YMCA providing access to the Y for individuals in need.
$1,000 to Port Huron High School’s Girl’s Powerlifting for uniforms, weight room equipment and entrance fees.
$350 to Port Huron High School for boys basketball practice jerseys.
The Wyatt Walker Friendship Fund, a donor advised fund was created by the Walker family and friends in memory of Wyatt Christopher Walker.