The Community Foundation is honored to help donors like the Jenifer and Geof Kusch grant to organizations and causes near and dear to them.
“We feel we have received many gifts and wish to gift forward. Our donor advised fund at the Community Foundation allows us the flexibility to support causes important to our family and allows us to participate in building a viable community in our adopted hometown here in Port Huron,” Jenifer said.
A vast majority of the Kusch family grants are given locally, but because they have a donor advised fund (DAF) one of the benefits is the flexibility to grant anywhere in the United States. Donors like Jenifer and Geof are mobile and want to be able to make an impact and support causes not only in their adopted hometown but where their family is located as well. Donor advised funds with the Community Foundation allow them to do just that from one charitable account.
An endowed DAF multiplies the impact of their donations as it grows over time, providing additional grantable funds. A DAF also offers the opportunity for the Kusch’s to engage their family in giving back together. Jenifer says they want philanthropy to be a foundational value in their family.
“From the very beginning, we wanted our adult children to participate in grantmaking from our family fund,” Jenifer said. “We want philanthropy to be built into their approach to life and for them to suggest recipients with missions important to them.”
The Kusch’s DAF has given them the opportunity to support local projects like the Blue Water River Walk and Bridge to Bay trail, to organizations such as the YMCA and numerous local nonprofits like Mid City Nutrition and others through past Big Give events.
The Kusch’s generosity is tremendous, and they truly embrace and share the Community Foundation’s mission to make bold investments in people and places. To learn more about donor advised funds or other charitable funds visit