Blue Water Community Action is getting ready to move into their new 92,000 square foot home.

Since finalizing the purchase of Baker College on Lapeer Road in October, they have been working hard on renovations and preparing for their move. They currently have four classrooms in operation on the new campus with plans to move in completely sometime this summer.
Director Melinda Johnson said they are very excited about the opportunities the new campus will bring, including an Early Headstart classroom to start this fall – something new for BWCA.

BWCA is also one out of only 10 to be chosen to receive a grant from Scott’s Miracle Grow, Johnson said. Hundreds of organizations from across the country submitted applications. Come June, BWCA will partner with local businesses and organizations to put a garden in the playground. The garden will include fruits, vegetables and herbs as well as pot gardens in the toddler area.
The purchase of Baker College allows BWCA to consolidate its eight currently existing locations into one, letting participants more easily access programs and services that will maximize their ability to move toward self-sufficiency.
The purchase and renovations are being financed by a federal loan and donations, as well as a small grant from the Community Foundation.
The Foundation has a history of partnering with BWCA going back 18+ years and includes support of their Emergency Assistance Program and mobile dental program. BWCA also took over the Foundation’s Back to School backpack program in 2016.

But the largest collaboration was the Community Renaissance Program from 2004 to 2006. This collaborative effort restored the quality of single-family housing to the neighborhood around Woodrow Wilson Elementary School on Port Huron’s south side. Accomplishments included demolition of dilapidated buildings, home restorations, home improvement loans and the construction of Oak Crest Homes, brand new single family homes between Oak and Griswold.
We are pleased to continue our partnership with BWCA with support for this new campus and we look forward to seeing all the ways this move will help them continue to serve our community.