The Blue Water Arts Committee wants to get more kids involved in music and we’re looking for local groups and nonprofits to work with.
In preparation for our next meeting on May 13 we’re reaching out to the community and looking for new ideas, programs and projects that we might consider funding in our effort to get more kids involved in music.
If you’re comfortable with our online grant application then feel free to submit that. Otherwise, just send us a “letter of interest.” Include a brief description of your program as well as a response to the questions below.
- Do you have ideas on how the Foundation could help you reach a broader audience for music?
- How could we help grow the pipeline of young kids that want to explore music?
- How could we help more young people get excited about music?
- Do you feel that the lack of access to instruments is a barrier and problem for some students and their families?
- If ‘yes’ do you have any ideas on how the Community Foundation could help get more instruments into the hands of young people?
- Do you use any socio-economic factors in picking participants in your program?
- Does family or household income levels matter in your selection?
- Do you make special effort to reach out to a wider and more diverse potential audience?
- Do you make special efforts to reach families and students in the rural parts of our region?
- How many kids would you reach and what are the costs to run the program or project?
Who is eligible for our grants?
- Nonprofits
- Schools
- Community Organizations
- Service Clubs
- Churches
Letters of interest are due by April 30. Please submit letters to Audrey Sochor at audrey@stclairfoundation.org or mail to 500 Water Street, Port Huron, MI 48060.
If the Arts Committee is interested in learning more about your program, candidates may be asked to submit a grant application.