The Algonac/Clay Community Fund recently gave out a number of grants totaling $8,410 to area nonprofits.
“The Algonac/Clay Community Fund gives away grants each year to nonprofit organizations in the Algonac/Clay area,” Grant Committee Chairwoman Amy Amiels said. “This year, we are giving our grants away a bit late as we were hoping to have an event since we had to cancel our Cinco de Mayo event in May. Because we still cannot have an event, we still wanted to get the grants to those that applied and qualified.”

The fund was established in 2004 by local residents to be a source of funding for programs, projects and organizations in the Algonac and Clay Township communities. It began making grants in 2006. The annual Cinco de Mayo auction and dinner is the main fundraiser of the year for the fund and generally features a Mexican dinner, auctions and raffles.
This year’s grant recipients include the following:
• Woodside Bible Church received $1,500 for the nativity display at Algonac Waterfront Park.
“Woodside is not only a church here in Algonac,” Amiels said. “They are so community minded and help other churches and organizations with anything that is needed.”
• Algonac-Clay Historical Society received $550 for a new door. The society has two museums that help preserve the history of the community.
• Harsens Island St. Clair Flats Historical Society received $550 for a Kid’s Corner in its museum, which preserves the history of Harsens Island.
• Algonac Youth Football League received $1,500 for operating costs and equipment. The AYFL teaches young boys and girls football and cheerleading and helps prepare them for high school.
• Care Bag Movement received $1,000.
“They provide supplies and comfort items for foster children that are being removed from their homes,” Amiels said. “They also have been the biggest mask maker/provider in our area during this pandemic.”
• First Evangelical Lutheran Church received $500 for its free community suppers that it provides for those in need or that want fellowship.
• Harsens Island St. Clair Flats Association received $1,000 for park upgrades.
“The HISCFA is the nonprofit for the island,” Amiels said. “They have been working very hard in upgrading the park for their residents.”
• Girl Scout Troop 76974 received $310 for its Buddy Bench project, which has provided schools and parks with benches for people to enjoy.
• Oak Bluff Auto received $1,500 for community transportation.
“Oak Bluff Auto is a brand-new nonprofit organization that helps people get their cars fixed for work, school when they can’t afford it,” Amiels said.
In place of receiving them at the Cinco de Mayo event, recipients of the grants were called and asked to come pick them up this year.
For more information about the Algonac/Clay Community Fund, visit