The Village of Lake Huron Woods-Presbyterian Villages Foundation Fund was created to support vulnerable older adults in St. Clair County through special programs, projects, and operations.
Gifts to the fund currently support the Lake Huron Woods Campaign for the Ages to expand affordable housing and healthcare to older adults in our community.
Campaign for the Ages Lake Huron Woods/Blue Water Region
Delivering TRULY affordable healthcare & housing
We all deserve a good home and at The Village of Lake Huron Woods of Port Huron, three local non-profit organizations are making that a reality for their community.
The truth is for a vast number of older adults, the cost of healthcare and housing is way too expensive. Port Huron Housing Commission, Region VII Area Agency on Aging, and Presbyterian Villages of Michigan aim to help more seniors in Michigan find a good home and healthcare services they can truly afford.
The Campaign for the Ages Lake Huron Woods will provide the Blue Water Region with:
- Increased capital to serve 3.5 times more seniors, from 116 to 414
- Truly affordable housing and healthcare options to local seniors in need
- 331 new jobs:
- 106 permanent health care jobs
- 225 new construction jobs
- A $198 M economic ripple effect to the Blue Water Region economy
- Total construction cost: $40.6 M
- Fundraising goal: $3.8 M
In Michigan alone, the number of seniors is projected to rise 38%, from 1.5 million in 2014 to 2 million in 2030. With over 17% of seniors in poverty, Michigan exceeds the national average in how many seniors live on $11,511 or less annually. The rising senior population, coupled with the greater number of seniors with lower incomes, will burden current services for seniors with more requests than we can currently accommodate.
Currently, there is a health inequity between seniors with high incomes and seniors without. Seniors with high incomes have access to increasing levels of care, all on one campus. These residents do not have to move from one senior community to a different one when memory care or nursing-home-like care is needed. Seniors with low incomes do not have this same access, leading to a health disparity between the haves and have-nots.
Housing and healthcare are too expensive for too many seniors. Let’s change this!
With support of the community, Campaign for the Ages Lake Huron Woods will meet the goal of providing dignified and quality care for seniors with low incomes.
We will do this by:
- Building and renovating 90 one-story cottages for seniors living independently
- Adding 21 apartments to foster senior independence, with support services just a call away
- Building a new PACE site to serve seniors throughout the community
- Enriching technology opportunities, such as learning how to use a computer, how to video chat, and how to use Google Meet