The April friend of the Foundation is Alice Giese and her late husband, Don. The Gieses created an unrestricted endowed fund back in 1997.
Over the past 24 years, the Donald W. & Alice I. Giese Endowment Fund has granted more than $51,000 back into the community for various community needs. Grants have included mental health clinic support, building improvements at Port of Hopes, supporting various school and summer programs, and more.
“The most powerful gift of all is an unrestricted gift because it allows donors like Don and Alice to have the greatest possible impact locally, and gives the Community Foundation flexibility in responding to our ever-changing community needs,” said Jackie Hanton, vice president for the Community Foundation of St. Clair County.
The Giese’s endowed fund means the gift will keep on giving, now and for generations to come. Endowment funds are powerful because each year the community benefits from the Giese’s generosity.
Their unrestricted endowed fund was originally created through a gift of stock shares. Since the original gift, the fund is now eight times the original donation amount. The Giese’s fund has also granted back into the community more than twice the original gift amount. A truly powerful and impactful charitable legacy that lives on for Don and that Alice can be proud of continuing to impact her community each year.
Don and Alice were married an amazing 68 years before Don passed away in 2016. Don was a World War II veteran, taught in the Romeo School District and then worked for the Michigan Educational Association until retirement. Alice was a successful business owner in Port Huron with Alice’s Kitchen and Bath and a dedicated community volunteer. Alice is an original member of the Women’s Initiative and has been a friend of the Community Foundation for over 20 years. She also served on the Blue Water Arts Committee from 2014-2018. Together, the Gieses traveled all over the world, but always called Port Huron their home.
Donors and community volunteers like Don and Alice are one in a million, yet can inspire those who want to give back to also do it through an unrestricted fund. Today’s priorities may not be tomorrow’s, but an unrestricted fund will always address our region’s most pressing needs and opportunities.
For more information about setting up a fund with the Community Foundation, please visit the Giving Center on the Community Foundation’s website or call 810-984-4761 for a confidential conversation about giving back and charitable giving options.